WELLNESS CHECKS!--Get Your Annual Physical.

Virginia Nuzum-Hayes

September is a month that holds some very important health awareness campaigns- plus it’s Healthy Aging Month. Healthy Aging seems to be everyone’s mantra now.  From skincare to cellular health, everyone wants to age in the healthiest way possible. 

Be Prepared for Fall Allergy Season

Virginia Nuzum-Hayes

Most people are familiar with springtime as the start of allergy season, but many do not realize that there is a fall allergy season as well.  People with allergies know that fall is the “second act” of the season.  It’s that time of year again when allergy sufferers contend with a resurgence in allergy symptoms...

Summer Sun Safety & Skin Health

Virginia Nuzum-Hayes

Skin health is important to focus on in the summer time since we are all spending more time outside and exposed to the sun's rays. July is UV Awareness Month and coming up in August is Summer Sun Safety Month. So let's talk about skin health and sun safety.  

June is Men's health month and all month long it's a great reminder for the men to schedule or visit their doctor for an annual physical ...

Vitamin D- the Sunshine Vitamin

Virginia Nuzum-Hayes

Most people have probably heard that getting 10 minutes of sunlight per day is good for your health so that you are not deficient in Vita...

May is Mental Health Awareness Month

Virginia Nuzum-Hayes

May is National Mental Health Awareness Month and a time to check-in with yourself and others. Mental health is a complex subject and can be hard to get beyond a surface level with people who may be struggling and do not want others to know. 

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