Be Prepared for Fall Allergy Season

Most people are familiar with springtime as the start of allergy season, but many do not realize that there is a fall allergy season as well.  People with allergies know that fall is the “second act” of the season.  It’s that time of year again when allergy sufferers contend with a resurgence in allergy symptoms.  Schools and colleges are back in session now too and the increased exposure to more germs and people gives our immune system little rest from now until the end of the winter flu season.

The most common culprit for fall allergies is ragweed, a plant that grows wild almost everywhere, but especially on the East Coast and in the Midwest. Ragweed blooms and releases pollen from August to November. August 15th is commonly referred to amongst allergists as the start of ragweed season. In many areas of the country, ragweed pollen levels are highest in early to mid-September. Other common weed plants that produce pollen allergens include English plantain, lamb’s quarter, pigweed, Russian thistle, yellow dock, sorrel, firebush, cocklebur, and marsh elder.

Mold spores are also a big threat to people who contend with fall allergies. The rotting leaves of fall provide an excellent home for mold growth, and to the detriment of allergy sufferers, release spores into the air to reproduce. Mold growth can spike with the warmth and humidity of the summer and persists through the fall. Meanwhile, ragweed pollen levels rise in late August and can last until the first frost. The only “seasonal” allergen encountered during winter in the Midwest is mold. Mold grows best above freezing temperatures and when it is damp, such as after rainfall. During warm periods of winter, mold spore counts can temporarily spike, which can be confusing for mold-allergic patients who may not be expecting an allergy flare during winter months. On an average day, pollen counts rise during the morning, peak about midday, and then gradually fall. So, the lowest pollen counts are usually before dawn and in the late afternoon to early evening.

So what are some tools that allergy sufferers need to have on hand? Over-the-counter (OTC) saline sprays and saline drops (or artificial tears) are most helpful in washing pollen out of the nose and eyes. In-room air purifiers are also a great addition to keeping your indoor air quality good during peak allergy seasons. Make sure to replace your HVAC system's air filters every 90 days to keep your whole house's dust and allergen levels as low as possible. The other helpful tool one can reach for in helping to support the immune system is to take a high-quality health supplement that supports the immune system. Taking an immune system supplement for a few weeks before the start of fall allergy season will give your body time to build up its defenses before the onslaught of fall allergens enters the environment.  IMMUNITY BUILDER from CareFast® Products is a targeted formula designed with an important blend of vitamins, minerals, L-Lysine, and herbs to boost your immune system and help you stay healthy.  This formula contains a proprietary blend of herbs and plant extracts such as lemon balm extract, holy basil powder, elderberry extract, echinacea, and quercetin to name a few. The IMMUNITY BUILDER formula also contains probiotics that promote healthy digestion, healthy respiratory function, and promote skin health.

To sum up, help your body's response to this fall allergy season by keeping your home's air quality as clean as possible, stocking up on OTC products such as saline sprays and drops, and immune-supporting health supplements.  Most importantly, give your immune system time to be prepared and build up your immune system defenses before the season begins.