Summer Sun Safety & Skin Health
Skin health is important to focus on in the summer time since we are all spending more time outside and exposed to the sun's rays. July is UV Awareness Month and coming up in August is Summer Sun Safety Month. So let's talk about skin health and sun safety.
As we age the amount of collagen we produce declines and our skin isn't as supple and strong as it once was when we were younger. You may notice too that small cuts and scrapes may not heal as fast or you're having a hard time getting a cut to heal. Taking a collagen supplement is very beneficial in supporting your overall skin health and the integrity of your skin's strength and ability to heal. A quality collagen supplement product such as Pure-Lastic Collagen Peptide Formula from CareFast is a great way to take daily collagen (just mix with water or your favorite beverage) and increase your daily protein intake as well. Pure-Lastic hydrolyzed collagen is an excellent source of high-quality, highly bioavailable protein with a specific amino acid profile that nourishes soft tissues throughout the body. Collagen not only delivers structural support for your skin, but it also is for nails, hair, and the strength and flexibility of bones, joints, blood vessels, and eyes.
During the warm summer months, we have to take extra steps in order to be Sun Safe and try not to get sunburned. Taking steps and precautions from the sun’s harmful ultraviolet (UV) radiation while outdoors will help lessen the chances of skin cancer. Skin cancer is the most common cancer in the United States, and it only takes one blistering sunburn during childhood or adolescence to nearly double a person’s chance of developing melanoma – the most serious form of skin cancer – later in life. UV radiation is the leading cause of skin cancers. Using a high-quality, broad-spectrum sunscreen (with both UVA and UVB sun protection) is critical as well as using at least an SPF30 or higher and reapplying after swimming or being out for a couple of hours (reapply as directed by the usage directions on the sunscreen you are using.) Some sunscreen is formulated specifically for the face or for wet skin, so take time to do your research and buy what is suited to your time out in the sun. Try not to be overexposed during the hottest (and strongest) UV rays which is typically 10am - 2pm (or later if you're in a desert climate). Drinking plenty of water is also not only good for skin health but is also a necessity during the summer to avoid heat exhaustion or heat stroke. There are also great options for sun clothing that has an SPF rating- such as long-sleeved sun shirts and hats for swimming, golfing, or fishing.
The American Academy of Dermatology recommends that the public #PracticeSafeSun the year-round by following three simple steps while outdoors:
Seek shade when appropriate
Wear sun-protective clothing
Apply a broad-spectrum, water-resistant sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or higher
Whatever your outdoor or vacation plans are for the summer, be sure to pack your sunscreen, a good sun hat, and your collagen to drink daily. Skin health and sun safety go hand in hand. The better prepared you are for the outdoors the more your skin will thank you and the less sun damage you will see later in life. Happy Summer!