Perfect 10 Eicosinoid Formula

Carefast® Perfect 10 is the perfect blend if you’re looking for a supplement that delivers the perfect balance of clean protein, healthy fats, and fiber that won’t hurt your stomach. This supplement is a keto-friendly, plant and milk-based protein that contains healthy fiber, heart-healthy lipids, probioticsand enzymes as well as essential vitamins and minerals. 

A Diabetic Friendly Protein

Carefast® Perfect 10 is low in sugar, with no added sugar, and low-glycemic fiber--it works well to promote healthy blood sugar levels.* It’s also great for anti-inflammation and healthy blood circulation. This supplement contains the probiotics: Bifidobacterium lactis, Lactobacillus gasseri, and Streptococcus thermophilus which work together to help control insulin sensitivity and for treatment of Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS). The less insulin you produce, the healthier you become.

Bifidobacterium lactis has been researched and proven to assist with insulin sensitivity and blood ammonia, along with IBS symptoms and skin disorders. Lactobacillus gasseri has been researched and proven to help with body weight, abdominal visceral fat, and other GI and respiratory issues.

Eicosanoids were part of a Nobel Prize-winning discovery made in 1982. These hormones control every physiological function and are found on all 160 trillion cell membranes in the body. Dietary fibers in the form of low glycemic carbohydrates, pure proteins, and special fats can stimulate the positive eicosanoids and in turn, play an important role in helping with blood sugar maintenance. Carefast® Eicosanoid products utilize the best protein sources and a unique blend of Eicolipids™ healthy lipids and Eicofibers™ healthy fiber to help you achieve the right combination for a healthy lifestyle.

Works Well for Keto & Overall Health

Carefast® Perfect 10 contains so much that is good for you! With the perfect balance of fats, proteins, and carbohydrates, this formula assists with weight loss and helps burn body fat.* You get powerful probiotics and enzymes that help break down foods, including protein, and convert them into energy for your body.

Other benefits include reducing joint and muscle inflammationfatigue, improving circulation, and promoting healthy blood pressure. With three different classes of digestive enzymes, Carefast® Perfect 10 works to break down fats, proteins, and carbs. They get the digestive system working smoothly and improve your overall digestive health.* All of this helps the body to do more with the food it takes in and to run more efficiently and effectively.
For more information on Perfect 10 and other products, visit the website at
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.